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Client Forms

Children & Adolescents:

  • Forms for new clients under the age of 18:  Intake Paperwork

Child and Adolescent New Client Forms

  • Please Note: Parent/Legal Guardian is responsible for minor and non-minor Children. If parents are divorced, Mason Family Counseling will not act as a mediator in settling claim/payment issues. According to Divorce Answers The parent that brings the child in for treatment is responsible for payment. Legally, we are not able to bill ex-spouses, regardless of divorce decree.
  • Legal guardians can elect to use a payment authorization form or pre-pay the estimated amount due at the time of the session. Otherwise, guardians must accompany their children into the building to take care of their co-pay before the session. Co-pays must be taken care of prior to the appointment, or client will have to reschedule.


Forms for new adult clients:

Adult New Client Forms

  • If coming in for marital or couples counseling, each party should fill out his/her own paperwork

Medication Evaluation / Management:

Forms for new medication clients:

New-Medication-Client v30

The parent that brings the child in for treatment is responsible for payment. Legally, we are not able to bill ex-spouses, regardless of divorce decree.